(Weekly Report)The party is completely over.A catastrophe will begin all over the world.

(Weekly Report)The party is completely over.A catastrophe will begin a…

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(Weekly Report)The party is completely over.A catastrophe will begin all over the world.

2024.03.09 Saturday 11.30 AM


SKIP is the basis for the conclusion below because it is inconvenient to disclose.

Summary and Conclusion

"The party is over."Nevertheless, he is still dancing. Because he's full of variety shows. While further bullishness followed later in the week on the belief that the party was still going on, a wave of catastrophe finally set in for U.S. markets. It said it looked safe to respond to further strength in the market in the short term. If you look at the U.S. stock market crash on Friday night, that judgment was correct. The party is completely over.A catastrophe will begin all over the world.

The wave is extended by visible hand interventions such as policies and remarks.It is also reduced and terminated to subtypes. The gains from Powell's two days of unexpected, strong dovish comments this Wednesday and Thursday are of a similar nature. Still, it hit a new all-time high on Friday night as the conditions for ending the rise were met again, and it crashed from that high. Every index in the U.S. is...

All market participants are likely to be taken aback by the decline. number of investors have been stabbed in the back of their heads while imagining an upturn in Nvidia-led surges. Recently, Nvidia in the U.S. and Hynix in Korea are leading the way. Looking at the closing conditions of Nvidia Friday, a key stock in these stocks, it appears to be a catastrophic sign. Nvidia appears to have created a big downside candle of that nature, just as it accelerated the catastrophe after a vertical jump to EcoProBM +26.41% on July 26, 2023, and a -1.55% drop in the closing price. It means that Daejangju created a signal of catastrophe. 





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